Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Developing A Model Airbag

The reaction in Trial 2 most likely went to completion because there was an extreme increase in the amount of CA gas produced and in our observations, we did not notice any reactants that had not undergone a chemical change. The more effective design of the model played a significant role in the large production of CA gas; because Model 1 exceeded the mass limit, we used materials with smaller masses when we developed Model 2.Instead of the plastic weighing oat, we used the other plastic bags and also used less tape to attach It to the inside of our bag. In our previous trial, we noticed that acetic acid was leaking through the barrier. In order to generate a more efficient separation mechanism, we placed the sodium bicarbonate in the pocket instead of the acetic acid. The higher walls of the pocket used in Model 2 also served to prevent any of the sodium bicarbonate from falling out during transportation.However, like in Trial 1/Model 1, a possible source of error may be found in Ou r measurements: it was difficult to accurately measure the volume of the acetic acid and to measure the height of our airbag after the substances inside had reacted after the â€Å"crash. † In order to improve our experiment, it would be suitable if the trials were performed in a controlled environment at STOP to rule out any external atmospheric factors.If we had also employed more accurate methods of measurement, such as using a 5 ml graduated cylinder instead of a 10 ml graduated cylinder to measure the acetic acid, we may have been able to obtain a more completed reaction. The method used to measure the dimensions and volume of the bag was a little unreliable because there was too great a chance of human error. A laboratory device, possibly electric, specifically designed to measure volume could have eliminated any discrepancies in our measurements and calculations.Model 2 would be the most appropriate design for inflating airbags. As noted in Table 1, not only did it pro duce the greatest amount of CA , even more than we had initially predicted, but it also met the mass requirements. It also included the most effective system of keeping the reactants separate but allowing them to quickly deploy when it was time to perform the trial. The high walls of the pocket were suitable for preventing the Enhance from pilling during the building or transfer of the model. The design was also lighter in mass and more compact in size.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Stereotypes of Mexicans and Illegal Immigrants

Stereotypes of Mexicans and Illegal Immigrants All Mexicans are landscapers or construction workers and all Mexican women are housekeepers and maids. There are lots of different stereotypes associated with Mexicans. These stereotypes originated when Mexicans began to illegally cross the border from Mexico into the United States. Mexicans wanted to come to this country and live the â€Å"American Dream†. Unfortunately when they arrived here they found it nearly impossible to find a high paying, steady job because no company would hire an illegal immigrant which led them to work into manual labor.Since the majority of Mexicans coming to the United States at that time were illegal immigrants working in manual labor, this is where the stereotype that all Mexicans are landscapers or construction workers came from. Also, that all Mexican women are housekeepers and maids. I was born here in the United States, however my mom is from Guatemala and my dad is from Mexico. Hearing these k inds of stereotypes can be offensive and sometimes even hurtful to me coming from a Mexican background.Years ago my parents had illegally crossed the border from Mexico into the United States by trying to escape from all of the drug trafficking and terrible living conditions that were going on in their countries. It wasn’t easy for them to find a job here since hardly any company would hire an illegal immigrant. After a long time of searching, my dad finally found a job working as a painter at some fancy apartments, and my mom as a housekeeper. Both my parents work hard for what little they earn. Sadly neither of them finished graduating high school due to lack of money.Now it is up to me to make a difference and be the first in my family’s generation to graduate high school and college and live a successful life. I think society has taken a major downturn because of the way stereotypes affect people and how people react to being grouped into one stereotype or another. Today we are very quick to judge others after we find out where they are from, what race they are or how much money they have. I believe this society needs to work on stopping that habit before it goes any further and gets worse.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Motivation in the Classroom: Dealing with Disruptive Behaviour

Motivation in the Classroom: Dealing with Disruptive Behaviour INTRODUCTION Research studies have shown the importance of motivation in supporting learning in education (Lai, 2011) and in raising educational attainment among pupils. A collective theme within the review is that a pupil’s behaviour is closely linked to the theory of motivation (Ikeogu, 2011). The transition into secondary school life has been shown to affect student’s self-competency, reduces their motivation and engagement in the learning process (Klem Connell, 2004; Jacobs et al., 2002; Wigfield Eccles, 2000). Ultimately understanding what motivates pupils is essential in order to influence and encourage constructive learning behaviour. It has been proposed that motivating pupils to learn will result in positive behaviour and higher academic achievement and reduce disruptive behaviour (Kane et al., 2004). This literature will investigate how motivational theories elucidate pupil’s behaviour in a classroom environment which will help teachers develop strategies to deal with such behaviour and create a constructive learning environment. The following study will firstly explore the theory of motivation in a pedagogical context, the factors that motivate learners and the relationship between motivation and disruptive behaviour. Several techniques are reviewed to understand and control disruptive behaviour as well as different theoretical motivational theories such as Maslow, Deci and Ryan which have been shown to determine behavioural hierarchy of confident behaviour. 1.1 Theory of Motivation Korb (2012, p.6) describes motivation as the cognitive state, intramural need, or ‘external goal’ that drives individuals. Romando (2007) agrees, describing motivation as one’s determination and drive that triggers behaviour towards the desired goal. Ball (1977) describes motivation as a series of performances brought upon by stimulating, guiding and sustaining student’s behaviour. McLean (2003, p.7) defines motivation as the need to learn, and the ability to manage any challenges or hurdles in order to realise their goal (Martin, 2008). The resulting behaviour depends upon the pupil’s level of motivation (Guay et al., 2010). Motivation plays an influential role in affecting student’s level of enjoyment in learning at school and can trigger either disruptive or constructive behaviour among pupils (Guay et al., 2010, p. 712). 1.2 Factors that motivate learners To understand pupil’s behaviour, the study needs to consider several factors that effects motivation. These are: ‘ the education they receive by teachers (Teven McCroskey, 1997), ‘ student-teacher relationships (Kelly Hansen, 1987; Johnson, 2008), ‘ pressures and expectations from parents (Dandy Nettelbeck, 2000) and ‘peers’ (Wigfield Tonks, 2002, p.2383), ‘ classroom environment (Qin et al., 1995), and ‘ school culture and system (Anderman Maehr, 1994). Wright’s (2012) study argues that pupils who have low levels of motivation misbehave out of frustration due to failure of the school system to meet the needs of the individual i.e. activities are too challenging, and lesson instructions are too vague or monotonous (Skinner et al., 2005; Linnenbrink Pintrich, 2002). Power et al. (1967) states that family and social background are the key influencers on pupil’s motivational level or lack of and ultimately their behaviour outcome in class. Galloway (1995) disagrees, stating that teachers are the main influencer and that home background employ little influence on pupil’s behaviour. He claims that absence of a positive interaction between teacher and pupils negatively impacts on student’s behaviour. 2. Links between Motivation and Classroom Disruptive Behaviour According to Brophy (1999), the theory of motivation has shifted from a quantifiable measurement to a behaviourist perspective in which the use of a stimulus can be used to reinforce the desired behaviour. Schools use this mechanism to encourage and reward positive behaviour and sanction negative disruptive behaviour with an aversive stimulus i.e. punishment exercise (Ikeogu, 2011, p.12). According to Seifert (2004, p.147) pupil’s motivational level is understood by their display of behaviour. Hudley et al. (2007, p.4) agrees with this assertion that that there is a link between behaviour and motivation and that schools need to diminish the desire to disrupt and increase the incentive to succeed. Disruptive behaviour can be classified as challenging, unacceptable and interruptive behaviour according to Galloway et al. (1982). Nour (2004) perceives distractedness as the most frequent disruptive behaviour in schools in China (Ding et al., 2008; Shen et al., 2009). Accordin g to other studies, disruptive behaviour in England (Arbuckle Little, 2004) and Australian schools (Ross et al., 2008) is perceived as consistent talking throughout the lesson. Browne (2012) defines disruptive behaviour as being disobedient and aggressive. Aly and Gracey (2013) state that using technology during class, reading unrelated material etc. is disruptive. Disruptive behaviour can interrupt positive social interaction, engagement, contribution and overall impede a proactive classroom environment (Doyle, 1986). Pupils’ motivational level are forecasters of performance in the classroom (Pintrich DeGroot, 1990) which helps explain pupils’ cognitive engagement and classroom behaviour (Miller et al., 1996). According to Skinner et al. (2008) using a motivational framework of ‘engagement vs. disaffection’ helps explain pupils’ behavioural and emotional input in classroom activities (Pierson Connell, 1992; Ryan, 2000; Wentzel, 1993) (see F ig.1). Educators can use this framework to measure student’s engagement level at school in order to prevent truancy by recognising early signs of disconnection (Appleton et al., 2008). Figure 1: A motivational theory of engagement and disaffection in the classroom According to Seifert (2004) student’s behaviour or motivation is determined by their emotional response to a task (Boekarts, 1993; Seifert O’Keefe, 2001). In order for students to develop positive classroom behaviour, students must set goals, become more competent and involved, and gain social belonging (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, 2004). Ikeogu (2011) states that pupil’s lack of motivation and disruptive behaviour in the classroom is attributable to the teacher’s pedagogy and teaching style (Galloway et al., 1998). In order to achieve an effective learning environment, a supportive and nurtured teacher-student relationship needs to develop (Steer, 2005). Adopting effective motivational techniques can help teachers improve pupil’s engagement in class and ultimately raise classroom attainment. MOTIVATIONAL THEORIES To motivate students to climb the hierarchy, teachers need to understand disruptive classroom behaviour in order to achieve appropriate behaviour (Korb, 2012). Abraham Maslow designed a pyramid (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, see Figure 2) to identify individual’s basic human needs. When pupils satisfy the most basic deficiency needs (physical and safety), they then climb the hierarchy towards the developed levels. Children with a stable, supportive home (high level of safety and security) tend to climb the hierarchy to achieve self-actualisation, as they do not have the same needs to seek attention. Those who are stagnant at the basic needs level are more susceptible to disruptive behaviour in the classroom as they are more prone to act-up. According to Korb (2012, p.6), pupils may seek attention in the classroom, either positive or negative if they don’t receive this at home. They may display signs of low self-esteem by being destructive and lack powers of concentration. Figure 2: Basic Human Needs. Source: Adapted from Maslow (1943). McClelland’s theory (Acquired Needs Theory) states that individuals are motivated according to three basic needs; achievement; power; and relationship (Miner, 2006). Maslow distinguished the discrete stages of needs and the transition amid these needs, while McClelland states that individuals are at different stages of elevated needs than others and their experiences eventually change pupil’s needs (Kirstein, 2010). Motivational theories proposed by Maslow (1970), McClelland (1985), and Deci (1980) associate the growth of self to psychological needs and emotional processes which classifies pupil’s behaviour according to their needs. According to Maslow, to satisfy pupil’s deficiency needs, teachers need to create an emotionally and physically protected and secure classroom, and take interest in pupil’s lives to appeal to their sense of belonging etc. (Biehler and Snowman, 1997). To understand and address disruptive classroom behaviour, Kaplan and Maehr (1999) used the Achievement Goal Theory which established a linkage between disruptive behaviour and performance-approach goals, performance avoidance goals, and positive behaviour was associated with mastery goals. Self-Determination Theory was also critically analysed in relation to disruptive behaviour. 3. Achievement Goal Theory Achievement Goal Theory refers to individual’s motives to engage in attainment-based behaviours (Pintrich, 2000, p. 93). This theory can influence how students tackle goals in an achievement scenario (Agbuga et al., 2010, p.279). Undertaking goals results in cognitive and behavioural outcomes, which helps understand pupil’s behaviour (Elliot Dweck, 1988, p.11). Jagacinski and Nicholls (1987) states that failure in a task can cause negative behavioural outcomes. Nicholls (1984) proposed the dichotomous model consisting of two major goals; mastery (learning goals), and performance (ego goals). Mastery goal focuses on development of pupil’s academic capability and competence while individuals pursuing performance goals are more engrossed with the quality of their performance in relation to others and people’s perception of their performance (Seifert, 2004). Roeser et al. (1996) agrees that pursuing mastery goal is centred on gaining knowledge, while pe rformance is focused on demonstrating knowledge. Pupil’s behaviour is determined by which goal they pursue. Example, according to Veiga et al. (2014), pupils who are mastery orientated achieve their goals (Linnenbrink Pintrich, 2002), are intrinsically motivated (personal enjoyment of the lesson) (Elliot and Harackiewicz, 1996, p.462) and therefore display positive behaviour (Ryan Patrick, 2001), and higher level of engagement in class (Ryan Pintrich, 1997). Encouraging pupils to take control of their learning and boosting self-confidence discourages disruptive behaviour and promotes a more positive behaviour (Pintrich, 2000). While in a performance goal orientated classroom, those pursuing to surpass their peers have a tendency to exhibit disruptive behaviour (Agbuga et al., 2010) and reduced level of engagement (Hughes et al., 2010). Pupils pursue performance goals as a defence mechanism to protect themselves from negative opinions of their competence, or receive po sitive acknowledgement of their competence (Dweck Legget, 1988; Seifert O’Keefe, 2001), and to come across superior to others (Nicholls et al., 1990). According to Roeser et al. (1996) performance goals are uncomplimentary to learning, as they lower pupil’s confidence in their competence to successfully complete tasks in class (Dickinson, 1995) by comparing and evaluating pupils against their peers and reducing ‘self-efficacy’, which negatively effects motivation and confidence levels (Schunk Mullen, 2012). Dweck (1986) states that pupils with low confidence can exhibit maladaptive behaviour. Kaplan and Maehr (1999) found that pupils seeking performance goals displayed signs of disruptive behaviour i.e. talking out of turn, teasing etc., which can lead to cheating and school absenteeism (Anderman Midgley, 2002; Roeser Eccles, 1998). Whereas mastery goals are learning orientated which results in more focus on successfully completing tasks and great er task-focused performance (Kaplan et al., 2002). 3.1 Mastery Goal orientated classroom A mastery orientated classroom should be fostered to motivate students effectively and promote positive behaviour and engagement in class. To drive students, teachers should promote self-sufficient learning, recognise and reward achievement, evaluate student’s effort and progress, encourage teamwork, designate a realistic time to complete tasks (Veiga, et al., 2014), communicate clear and concise lesson tasks, use alternative teaching and learning strategies, manage classroom behaviour and encourage pupil to give their opinion (Zyngier, 2007). Multiple perspectives were proposed in studies to analyse pupil’s behaviour. Dweck (1999) differentiated between performances and learning goals, and Nicholls (1989) proposed performance and mastery goals. Elliot and Harackiewicz (1996) further extended and challenged these two goals and included the performance-avoidance goal, forming a ‘trichotomous’ goal framework (mastery, performance, and performance avoidance goals) as an extension of the dichotomous model (Elliot and Church, 1997; McGregor Elliot, 2002; Ames, 1992). 3.2 Performance-Avoidance Theory According to Middleton and Midgley (1997) anxiety is a common emotion related with performance avoidance goals (Bong, 2009; Duchesne Ratelle, 2010). Avoidance or difficulties completing tasks can cause anxiety which may trigger pupils to play up to alleviate any negative emotions. Pupils may engage in disruptive behaviour as a defence mechanism to avert carrying out the activity to avoid humiliation and safeguard their sense of value (Seifert, 2004, p.144). Covington (1984) concurs that students would rather feel guilty about not doing the work rather than feel shamed due to low ability. 4. Self-Determination Theory Deci and Ryan (1985, 2000) cultivated the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to understand and develop pupil’s motivation and the anticipated behavioural outcome which follows. SDT explicates how pupil’s interaction with their classroom conditions can either encourage or impede pupil’s positive contribution, drive, and engagement (Reeve, 2012). SDT presumes that students no matter their background, age etc. are self-motivated and integrally motivated to participate academically in class (Deci Ryan, 1985, 2000; Vansteenkiste et al., 2010). SDT addresses the features of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic stimulus is the preferred motivational method to facilitate effective learning (Ryan Deci, 2009), as it involves one’s own decision to participate in the lesson out of enjoyment and interest. Intrinsically motivated pupils engage in a more profound learning, better quality of work, and exhibit positive behaviour compared to extrinsic motivatio n. According to SDT, to become intrinsically motivated schools need to facilitate ‘three basic psychological needs’; autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Kusurkar et al., 2011). Structuring lessons based on the needs of the pupils, helps to facilitate self-determined motivation. Promoting autonomous motivation contributes to better task-related behaviour which reflects real interest in the subject (Kusurkar et al., 2011). According to Kusurkar et al. (2011) appealing to their intramural needs to effectively stimulate proactive behaviour is more effective that using incentives to reinforce desired behaviour. MOTIVATIONAL TECHNIQUES TO CONTROL DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOUR Effective motivational techniques help promote positive behaviour and reduce disruptive behaviour. Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) strategies has proven favourable in studies to transform disruptive and challenging behaviour and promote positive behaviour which aid effective learning in class (Ausdemore et al., 2005; Feinstein, 2003; McCurdy et al., 2007). This proactive approach explores the source of the behaviour, identifying undisruptive responses to manage challenging behaviour, reward desired behaviour and reduce rewarding disruptive actions, and decreasing the course components that initiate difficult behaviour. PBS strategies involves creating a positive, organised and consistent classroom, increasing autonomy, amending and differentiating the curriculum to meet individuals needs and abilities, acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviour, and teaching coping skills and behaviours to express pupil’s emotions and needs (Ruef et al., 1998). Carr et al. (1994) ag rees that PBS does not involve eradicating negative behaviour but rather to understand why pupils behave in that manner and to substitute disruptive behaviour with positive proactive behaviour’. 5.1 Motivating students with Positive Reinforcement (rewards and praise) Rewards and praise are used as a tool to reinforce and develop the desired classroom behaviour, to attain skills or sanction maladaptive behaviour. They are a tool used to inspire pupils to attain skills (Ruef et al., 1998) and should appeal to the pupil’s needs in order to motivate them. According to Ruef et al. (1998) and Walker et al. (1995) sanctioning bad behaviour is counterproductive and such action results in hostility, destruction, tardiness, absenteeism, and quitting school. Positive reinforcement (PR) is more effective (Frisoli, 2008). Wheatley et al. (2009) agrees that positively reinforcing desired behaviour decreases undesired behaviour. PR encourages pupils to engage in activities and behaviour out of personal pleasure e.g. reading (Lepper et al., 2005), inevitably enhancing pupil’s intrinsic motivation in and outside of school settings (Willingham, 2005). According to Willie (2002), introducing ‘mystery motivators’ positively reinforce s good behaviour which involves providing an unknown reward. Similar studies by Moore and Waguespack (1994) and Kehle et al. (1998) agrees that the ‘mystery motivator’ approach shows favourable results in improving disruptive classroom behaviour (DeMartini-Scully et al., 2000; Kehle et al., 2000). 5.2 Curriculum Adaptions Ferro et al. (1996) showed an association between the curricular content and the pupil’s resulting classroom behaviour. The content of the curriculum needs to be modified to adapt to the pupil’s additional needs and abilities in order to enhance their contribution and engagement in class and reduce the chances of disruptive behaviour. Curricular content that is not age and ability appropriate, lacks creativity, does not emulate the interest of pupils and cannot be applied to other contexts can foster challenging behaviour (Ferro et al., 1996). 5.3 Positive Competition Using competitive techniques will help motivate pupils to perform academically in class, raising situational interest (Jones et al., 2009). This method has shown favourable results amongst teachers (Ediger, 2001) and enjoyment amid pupils (Bergin Cook, 2000). However Kohn (1992) has criticised the use of competition to motivate pupils. Kohn (1993, p.1) argues that setting pupils against each other is destructive and counterproductive, negatively comparing ‘competition is to self-esteem as sugar is to teeth’. He states that disruptive behaviour is triggered by competition, as it fosters hostility and mistrust towards others. Meece et al. (2006) study concurs that competition is demotivating as students are outshone by their peers and the focus is on surpassing your peers rather than the learning process. Gottfried et al. (2001) study agrees, stating that competition has shown a decrease in level of engagement in class and an increase in disruptive behaviour. Howev er, Good and Brophy’s (2008) study disagrees, stating that competitive methods can be used to assist in behaviour management, to promote positive behaviour and reduce disruption within the class. Their study found that competitive methods creates a more stimulating and attractive lesson for pupils. Tingstrom et al. (2006, p.245) study shows positive results for effective use of positive rivalry e.g. the ‘Good Behaviour Game’ which motivates pupils and reduces disruptive behaviour. He suggests that competitive activities are usually accompanied with rewards for the desired learning intention and the fewest behavioural transgressions (Good Brophy, 2008). This leads to adopting competitive strategies to manage behaviour and results in improved academic performance i.e. meeting deadlines. 5.4 Student Autonomy Encouraging autonomy increases motivation among students in the classroom (Guthrie et al., 2000; Reeve, 2009; Stefanou et al., 2004). Hidi and Harackiewicz (2000) and Turner (1995) claims that increased self-sufficiency among pupils in their learning process can enhance academic interest in their work improving behaviour in class and educational performance. Stefanou et al. (2004) references 3 types of support that teachers can offer to students: 1. Organisational autonomy (allowing students some decision in the classroom organisation) 2. Procedural autonomy (choice of alternative media to portray ideas) and 3. Cognitive autonomy (providing pupils the opportunity to self-evaluate their own work). According to Bieg et al. (2011) teachers need to support autonomous behaviour which involves listening to pupil’s contribution and creating more individual based tasks for pupils to work on by themselves, promoting improved learning behaviour. 5.5 Student-Teacher Relationship Ikeogu (2011, p.74) study found that positive relations with pupils resulted in reduced levels of disruptive behaviour, and those who experienced disruptive behaviour felt this was due to unstable relationships among peers. Creating a connection with pupils allows teachers to understand their frustrations which helps to resolve any undesired behaviour (Kuhlenschmidt and Layne, 1999). Gest et al. (2005) proposes that a close, supportive relationship between pupils and teachers will result in a more positive atmosphere, quality academic performance and good behaviour in class. SUMMARY This present study aimed to review an assortment of literature on the connection between motivation in the classroom and disruptive behaviour. Many factors are relevant in influencing disruptive behaviour but paramount is the motivational level which are dependent on the school ethos. The interaction between pupils and social quality of the classroom, educators, and pupils can add to this. Following analysis of a selection of motivational theories, (using multiple academic approaches to understand student’s behaviour and how to motivate them) no single model addresses all the factors influencing motivation and how to control destructive behaviour in the classroom. A lack of evidence on external conditions influencing student’s behaviour requires further research in order to effectively motivate pupils and reduce possible undesired behaviour in the classroom. The findings of this study is that encouraging a mastery orientated classroom displays more positive behavio ur than achieving performance goals. Future research needs to focus on adapting the curriculum to address both classroom behaviour and academic motivation. 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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Drugs policyand the intellectuals by william j bennett Article

Drugs policyand the intellectuals by william j bennett - Article Example Bennett argues that taking the money making aspect out of the drug problem will not solve anything, that legalized marijuana would make school more difficult for students, and that intellectuals have a generalized distain for law enforcement in general. However, most of Bennett’s arguments are guilty of being oversimplified in the same way that he accuses contradictory arguments to be as well. Upon examination, his arguments do not really hold up to close scrutiny. Bennett argues that part of the idea behind legalizing drugs would be to remove the money making incentive that comes with them. He states that very few drug dealers actually make money, and that more often than not drug dealers need another source of income to supplement their income because their drug habits grow much too large. To an extent this is true. Drug dealers that are on the lower rungs of the system often have habits that they spend most of their money feeding. This is why they are and will remain on the lower rungs. However, the people who are in the higher levels of the drug dealing business are able to achieve that status because they know enough to stay off of drugs in the first place. Any drug dealer who is actually able to make money at dealing drugs does not do the drugs themselves. People that are higher up in the chain distribute drugs all the way down to the lower rungs, and if they money making incentive is taken away from the people who grow and produce the d rugs, then this will be a good deterrent for those people. If the people in the higher rungs don’t have the incentive, then they will not be distributing the drugs down to the lower rungs who disseminate the drugs to a larger area. As we can see, Bennett’s argument against removing the incentive was merely short-sighted and oversimplified. After this argument, Bennett states that legalizing drugs will lead to a highly increased level of drug usage among the general population. The argument that

Answer 8 questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Answer 8 questions - Assignment Example It can save all files and project related correspondence under one umbrella in one and e) Dimdim: it provides a place to convene online meetings, web conferences and webinars in the cloud (Kip). Q. 2. Who first developed and launched the SQL database? SQL known as Standard English Query Language was initially developed by  Donald D. Chamberlin  and  Raymond F. Boyce  in the early 70s of 19the century at International Business Machines. In late 1970s, Oracle Corporation saw the potential of the concepts introduced by Cod, Chamberlin, and Boyce and subsequently developed own SQL-based  RDBMS. It was successfully tested at the sites of the customers which encouraged IBM to develop commercial products based on their systems. After successful testing of SQL at the sites of customer, IBM began to develop its commercial products for the customers in the year 1979, 1981 and 1983 respectively ( Q. 3. Search some internet sites for Blue Tooth devices. Select one and di scuss the advantages and disadvantages of the one you selected. There are numerous products wherein Bluetooth exists. Few of them are telephones, media players,  Lego Mind storms NXT,  PlayStation 3,  PS Vita, Wii, headsets,  modems and watches. It is very useful technology while transferring data/information from one device to another device or from one device to so many devices near to each other (Official Play Station Website). Here are the advantages and disadvantages of one of PS Vita that has been selected from internet searches. It is accessible from both 3G and Wi-Fi. It has 5 inch OLED Screen. It back Blue tooth technology.  It has a small flash based memory card.  Users may have other options as well i.e. play PSP titles, minis and PSone classics titles, offered on PS Store. It is not compatible with PS3 and PS2 title. It does not carry any video output feature. Its Battery is intact. It lacks support UMD. It can be introduced stereoscopic 3D without glasses (O fficial Play Station Website). Q. 4. Describe briefly the history of who started it, when and what is Amazon’s annual sales? Everyone knows that is an American e-commerce company located at Washington. It was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 and placed it products in 1995. Initially it begun with an online bookstore, subsequently added with number of products in their menu (VHSs, DVDs, music CDs, MP3s, computer software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys), and more the passage of time. The journey which started in a garage becomes one of the greatest ecommerce sites now days. As far as the generation of revenue is concerned, it will touch to the height of $100 billion in annual sales at the end of  next year  (  Ã‚   Q. 5. How does MIS differ from IT? IT is a comprehensive computer field in general which can be subdivided into many careers. Take the examples of Network Administrator, Security, Hardware, Softwar e & Application Development, Database Administrator, Desktop Support Technician etc., In accordance with the available definition; Information Systems Management is an

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Virtue In Ancient Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virtue In Ancient Philosophy - Essay Example For example, human beings acquire virtue obeying the law and living to the expectation of societal norms and values. Human beings admire acquired virtues over natural virtues depending on the circumstances they find themselves in. For example, some people practices sobriety to live well with others, with the same objective, they teach their children good principles. 2. What, for Plato, are the virtues of wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice? Do you agree with Plato that those people with wisdom (derived from knowledge of the idea of good) should rule society? If so, then must we give up democracy? If not, then how can democracy possibly work well? Plato depicted wisdom as understanding, justice brought harmony, and courage is nonphysical, temperance as moderation. These three virtues according to Plato aim at bringing happiness to individuals and societies. Therefore, he advocated for use of persuasion rather than coercion. Only leaders with wisdom should rule society because the y are in a better position to know their subjects and understand their tribulations. Democracy may perpetuate corruption, which may lead to unhappiness because the chosen leaders may not have better knowledge of our problems and us. 3. How does Aristotle distinguish between moral and intellectual virtues? What are the two kinds of intellectual virtue? How does the mean play a role in making choices that help the cultivation of moral virtues? According to Aristotle, there are two kinds of virtue: moral and intellectual virtue. Moral virtues are not innate according to Aristotle but they are acquired. For instance, an individual becomes trustworthy by acting truthfully. Examples of moral virtues are humility, truthfulness, moderation, and generosity. On the other hand, intellectual virtues are those personality traits that are required for correct thinking and desired action. He classified intellectual virtues as productive such as craft knowledge, theoretical such as wisdom and mind and lastly practical such as practical prudence. Happiness is the central core of living, which depends entirely on cultivation of virtues. According to Aristotle, playing the mean is the way of cultivating virtues that includes moral virtues for the attainment of individual happiness. Playing the mean is the virtue between two extreme excesses and deficiency. For instance, exercising the act of justice in getting too little or getting too much. Therefore, human beings make choices depending on the circumstances that surround them by choosing on one option and neglecting the other. 4. What is Aristotle’s practical syllogism? Do you ever make moral decisions in a way that would seem to conform to the practical syllogism? If so, what would be some examples? If not, how do you arrive at moral decisions? Practical syllogism is a way of reasoning in syllogistic manner, the summary of which is a certain action. Sometimes I make moral decisions that conformed practical syllogism in that I choose to care for my friends and I do not remain indifferent towards their mistakes. Part B 1. Explain the author's (Holmes) conception of the natural law tradition. (p.84-85) According to Holmes, natural law has external existence and objectives. It follows the nature of world and man in that as human beings we have the right to defend what we

Friday, July 26, 2019

For Reebok Web Site Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

For Reebok Web Site - Essay Example Now web sites are used not only for promotions but for actual sales as well. Companies are giving lot more emphasis on Online Retailing. Branding itself is an investment in letting the people 'know' about the company. A brand is the promise that a company makes to customers combined with the customers' judgment about how well the company can deliver on that promise.2 Business becomes easier when you have a recognisable brand. With a strong brand, the company doesn't have to sell nearly as long or as hard. For example Reebok itself is a renowned brand associated with sports accessories. Mention the name 'Reebok; and millions of people throughout the world have an immediate perception and expectation of what the company stands for. For an International branding name, company's personality requires to be easily identifiable at every customer touch point, from word of mouth to final sale. It is therefore to be made sure that every bit and byte of packaging, presentations, communications, and marketing speaks with a brand-consistent look and voice. Think of Boeing and what comes to mind is the huge aircrafts. Think of Intel and the association is synonymous with microprocessors. In fact, what these brands have done is to become generic in the minds of customers. This involves not just selling products or services but positive buying experiences. A collaborative effort is a must enroute to building a brand. Advertising campaigns duly supported by PR exercises and philanthropic generosity makes a roadmap for branding. For this very reason Reebok relies on sponsoring sporting events, investing in famous sportspersons as brand-ambassadors and helping the environmentalist campaigns, human rights activities etc. The RE EBOK HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD gives recognition and financial support to young activists who have made significant contributions to human rights through non-violent means.3 The mission statement of RHR foundation states, "The Reebok Human Rights Foundation seeks to promote and protect human rights through grantmaking that is motivated by the principles outlined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Foundation supports initiatives that generate awareness and motivate advocacy, particularly among young people, to defend human rights."4 It is an established fact that sporting equipment are not made at one single factory, but this job is outsourced to different unnamed units worldwide and thereafter the brand name 'Reebok' is put on the finished product. Reebok therefore takes pride in describing their business practices by stating, "Our commitment to human rights extends to the thousands of workers worldwide who make our products. We know that to be proud of the pr oducts we put our name on, we cannot be indifferent to the conditions in which they are made."

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Scott Joplin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Scott Joplin - Essay Example The exact details of Scott Joplin's birth are uncertain, but he was born probably in Linden Texas, between June 1, 1867 and mid-January 1868. He had five siblings, among which he was the second child. His parents were Florence Givins and Giles Joplin. When he was still a very young child his family moved to Texarkana, where his mother cleaned homes for a living. Because of his mother's work he was able to delve into music, and eventually his mother bought him a piano. His talent was noticed by a German music teacher, Julius Weiss, who decided to teach him for free. His experience with Weiss probably spurred him on his musical career. He went to George R. Smith College in Sedalia, where he studied composition. Around 1891 Joplin was in a minstrel troupe, and by 1895 he was in New York, selling some songs. In 1894 he moved to Sedalia, where he worked as a pianist in various places, including gentlemen's clubs.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Coal impact on the environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coal impact on the environment - Essay Example They tend to have an effect on the air, water as well as the animals. It also harms the health of the human beings (Finkelman et al 1999; Hill 2010). The burning of coal results in the production of many chemical substances which mainly include carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitric oxide. Coal also does not undergo complete combustion and ash is a substance which remains after the combustion of coal. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and it is released in very high amounts by the burning of coal. This increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air results in increasing the temperature of the world and promotes the phenomenon of global warming. Sulphur dioxide is also a harmful gas and results in the formation of acid rain. Nitric oxide is also a toxic gas which can result in the formation of an even more unstable substance known as toxic and at the same time nitric oxide also has the capability of causing acid rain (International Labour Office et al 1994). The quantity of ash that is released during the process of mining and burning is extensively high. It has been analyzed in the United States on an annual basis approximately 100 million tons of ash is produced due to the combustion of almost one billion ton of coal. Forty percent of the ash can be reutilized for forming other products which include cement but a large proportion still remains. The ash has a tendency to accumulate on land as well as it can make its way towards the water reservoirs and contaminate them by forming acids and follow the process of further addition of metals. Ash is disposed off in areas under the land and it is also kept in ‘ponds’ so that it can stay moistened. If proper regulations are not undertaken underground ash can also enter the underground water. Ponds also need to be checked and regulated because an incident occurred in the year 2008 when there was a spillage of the moistened coal and it resulted in contaminating the water in the river and a group of Tennessee individuals (Hill 2010; Mackenzie et al 2005). The mining of coal also results in the production of radioactive substances; though the quantity of the released substances is not very high. It has been analyzed that the population residing near the coal plants receive a higher rate of contact with these radiations than do the people who reside near nuclear power plants. This is because of the fact that the regulations at the nuclear power plants are strict and hence they minimize the release of radiations into the atmosphere (Hill 2010). The procedure of the mining of coal also carries many environmental affects. The mining which takes place on the surface as well as underground mines result in the contact of the rocks which are made up of sulphur to air and oxygen. This results in the formation of sulphur dioxide. This acid further tends to worsen the effect by acting on the rocks and causing them to release metals. The acid plus the metals gain ways to the water reserv oirs. This results in contaminating the water reservoirs and it harms the life that exists in water. It is found to be harmful not only for the microorganisms in the water but it also results in the death of fishes. These contaminated substances also tend to impact the land as well (Hill 2010; Mackenzie et al 2005). The burning of coal can also result in many harmful effects on the health of the human beings. ‘Black Lung Disease’

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Homelessness - Essay Example His name is John Doe and I have seen him before near Wal-Mart about five blocks away. I have read somewhere that the homeless tend to shy away from public contact. So I was a bit hesitant to approach John. I was, hence, quite surprised and thankful that he was accommodating to my pleasantries. And so, after introducing myself and declaring my intentions, I immediately asked him about his attitudes about other people, if it’s true that they avoid contact or that if he asked for help. He replied that it was obvious: â€Å"You see us, yes? I am not exactly proud of my condition. Even if I am like this, I am ashamed to ask for help. Being homeless is bad enough but being refused help is worse. Dignity is all I have left.† He added that the other homeless he knows have experienced being driven out by relatives and friends while there are those who have simply lost contact with them or that some have simply died. â€Å"Just gone, and we’re alone. That’s the fact.† We chatted further and I found that he has a daughter living in San Diego. He was not keen on talking about her and from the most I could understand from bits of information he was willing to share was that she doesn’t know about his plight and he does not want to trouble her with the new family she’s starting. There was this faraway look in his eyes that perhaps again saw the past regrets. So I asked about more mundane things such as how they eat, sleep and socialize with other homeless people. He told me it depends. Since he is constantly on the move, there is no opportunity for friendship or socialization. â€Å"It is sad that most of the time the only relationship I have with them is driven by competition.† He was referring about food. Also, it appears that there is no social hierarchy among the homeless and that the closest to this would be the kind of territoriality that comes in foraging food and in asking for alms. The

Enron Accounting Fault Essay Example for Free

Enron Accounting Fault Essay Enron is frequently given as an example of creative accounting. It is also given as a good example of accounting fraud and insider trading. This is a good example of creative accounting taken too far not many would disagree that it was accounting fraud, although some would say they were just unlucky to get caught. after all, the auditors were Arthur Anderson, at the time one of the most respected auditing firms. Creative Accounting – Example 1 – Creating multiple trading entities The creative accounting involved setting up other entities and then trading with these entities. This is a common practice; many businesses divide their operations into sectors that perform specialist functions and then trade is carried out between these various entities. However, normal applicable accounting standards (GAAP), would require that some sort of financial consolidation is performed and the full picture reported. However, there was a bias to record income, revenue, and profits from transactions with these entities; rather than costs, expenses, and losses. Creative Accounting – Example 2 – Moving business segments offshore Enron created these entities offshore. This is also a common practice in accounting and tax planning. Many businesses do this to reduce the amount of taxes they pay, this can be done legally (tax avoidance) and it can take illegal forms (tax evasion). Offshore entities usually enjoy an enhanced level of privacy, this can make it difficult for local governments and auditors to gain insights into what is going on. Enron appears to have manged to succeed for a long time in hiding what was going on from both auditors, investors, and potential whistle-blowers. If Enron was recording profits, and assuming not much else was happening in these other entities, then these offshore entities would be recording losses. These losses were conveniently recorded away from the financial statements and therefore investors and many staff never new about them. Creative Accounting and Insider Trading The executives didn’t stop here. By using creative accounting and fraud to manipulate profits, they were able to affect the stock price, the next logical and illegal step was to start to trade the stock to benefit from the inside knowledge they had. This is know as insider trading and is illegal in most countries.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Why Plato thinks Philosophers should be Kings Essay Example for Free

Why Plato thinks Philosophers should be Kings Essay Platos strategy in the Republic is to explicate the primary notion of societal or political justice and then parallel it to the concept of individual justice. Before he can prove that justice is a good thing, Plato must first state its definition, by showing justice in its perfect form in order to discover the true essence of it. Therefore, Socrates claims that the only way to have a perfect state is if the state has a perfect leader, thus he introduces the concept of the philosopher-king. Plato identifies political justice as harmony in a structured political body. An ideal state consists of three main classes of people: producers, auxiliaries, and the guardians (rulers); a state is just when relations between these three classes are right. Justice is a principle of specialization: a principle that requires that each person fulfils the societal role to which nature fitted him or her, and does not interfere in any other business. Socrates describes philosophers as those who love the sight of truth (475-e). He claims that what makes philosophers different from lovers of sights and sounds is that they apprehend the Forms. While lovers of sights and sounds love beautiful things, they are unable to see the nature of beauty itself. The Philosophers, on the other hand, believe that beauty exists and can see both it and the things it participates in. In order to back up this claim, that only philosophers can have knowledge, Socrates paints a metaphysical and epistemological picture. He divides the concept of knowledge into: what is, what is not and an intermediate between being and not being. This intermediate between knowledge and ignorance is what he defines as an opinion and casts it as a fallible power. Furthermore, knowledge is the strongest infallible power that is set over the being or what is. Given that only philosophers can have knowledge, Socrates emphasizes that they are clearly the ones best able to grasp what is good for the state, and so are in the best position to know how to run and govern it. Plato offers a more intuitive explanation for why the philosophers are virtuous. He idealizes them as being focused and determined because they are  fond of learning the function of the being, which does not wander between coming to be and decaying. At the end of Book IV, Plato argues that the nature of the state and the individual are the same. Furthermore, he promotes the notion that when the virtues of reason, passion, and desire act in perfect harmony the individual and consequently the state will become just. Though it is not directly stated, it is fair to make the allusion that Plato would have assumed the same for the Philosophers. Their desires also incline strongly for learning, therefore, weakening other pleasures of the soul. Their emotions and appetites no longer provide a strong impetus toward vice, making the Philosophers moderate in character. Courage also considered as an important characteristic, is defined as the power to preserve through everything its belief abo ut what things are to be feared (429-c). Since the Philosopher devotes his being to understanding the essence of universal truth, he does not consider individual human life as a priority, making him fearless of death. Even though, the Philosopher possesses all the needed virtues, Socrates fails to explain how such a special ruler will be able to relate with the common folk. A person of such immense talent would most likely be needed in other parts of the state as well, but according to Plato, he should be given the power to rule, erasing all possibilities of a Philosophers individual choice to devote his life to a different task. And while the Philosopher is portrayed as a perfect leader for the state nationally, there is no mention of why he would be so attached to the state or how international affairs would be handled. Lastly, one cant help but worry that despite having a philosophical nature and possessing all needed virtues, there is no guarantee that a philosopher would not become corrupted, as it is hard to be a good person in a bad society. Socrates explores the nature of the guardians further to describe the different types of corruption to which the philosophic nature is susceptible. Using the analogy of the seed (human soul) and its environment, Socrates argues that, in most cases, alien soil produces noxious weeds. Sophists and spurious educators are indicted in this corruption, for they create values outside and inferior to virtue. Socrates compares their morality, which derives from the masses they serve, to the understanding and rationalization of the tempers of a mighty strong beast. His analogy of the mighty beast criticizes the majority, or mass, notion of morality. What is the opinion of most men, in fact, of the world, is almost always not the opinion or should it be said, knowledge of the philosophers. The masses are neither wise, nor temperate, nor courageous; as a result, their desires do not reflect the good, because of their lack of strenuous education. And thus, because the true philosophers must hold to a minority truth or renounce their nature, they are condemned to persecution by the multitudes the very people that need them the most. Socrates seems to create a paradox: the city cannot do without philosophy, but it can also hardly tolerate it. Antagonism between the philosophic nature and the binding pressure of the multitudes ensures that a potentially great philosopher is lost or warped. No government exists in which he may utilize fully his innate and learned gifts. Often, says Socrates, the dejected philosopher seeks refuge in solitude, contrary to a previously made point that a true leader will want to lead not for power, but for fear that somebody less competent than themselves will rule. The fact that Philosophers would give up on lawlessness around them to do work quietly alone contradicts Platos description of a rightful leader. The problem of how to ease the clash between philosophers and the majority, making it possible for philosophers to assume their rightful position as rulers is, logically enough, the next topic. Erasing the state and the manners of men to achieve a clean surface on which to sketch the new plan is Socrates first, though seemingly impossible solution (the other is the philosophical education of kings). In summation, the relationship of the philosopher of the state is one of exploration and criticism. Only by balancing the traits of reason, passion, and desire will the individual being to understand notions of the greatest good. After this understanding has been reached, he or she must attempt to share these values with the citizens of the state. Unfortunately, the people whom this philosopher is trying to educate about the greatest good are too caught up with the trials of their own lives to comprehend a society in which justice is absolute. As the ultimate fate of Socrates demonstrates,  being a philosopher is not a simple task. Generally, people are uncomfortable with trading their freedom for a world in which justice is absolute. Since the masses are not entitled to the education of the guardians, a desire to be rich, powerful or famous will prevail over the values of the philosopher. His ideals, no matter how noble, will almost always fall upon deaf ears.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Concepts At Servant Leadership

Concepts At Servant Leadership According to Greenleaf servant-leaders are driven to serve first, rather than to lead first, always striving to meet the highest priority needs of others. In comparing Christianity and Islamic religion in regards to servant leadership, the characteristics must be observed: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. This paper will address two religions Islamic and Christianity one that is compatible and the other not compatible with Greenleafs characteristics of servant leadership. It will focus on TDIndustries, which has demonstrated servant leadership. Also, it will explain the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence and the role it play in enabling leaders. In 1977 Robert Greenleaf introduced the concept of servant leadership. Servant-leaders emphasize the development and elevation of followers. Servant-leadership is a natural feeling; it serves others by investing in their development and well being for the benefit of the common good. The core Christian values include hope, righteousness, love, and putting God first in our lives. Christianity share similar values of servant leadership. In Matthew 20:26-28, Christ tells us that we need, first of all, to lead in an attitude of servant hood. Christianity is about a personal relationships with God and with others. Christian servant leaders serve God through investing in others so that together they may accomplish a task for Gods glory. Christians, non-Christians, and women are treated equally in society and American court of law. The majority of Christians regard women with dignity and respect, having been created alongside men in the image of God. The Islamic religion share some but dose not share the essential characteristics of servant leadership. The Islamic religion treats Muslims and non-Muslims very different. Non-Muslims are referred to as dhimmi, which are considered second class citizens. They are not allowed to present evidence against a Muslim in a court of law governed by the Koran. Since his oath was unacceptable in an Islamic court his Muslim opponent could not easily be condemned. In order to defend himself, the dhimmi was obliged to purchase Muslim witnesses at great expense . The punishment that a guilty Muslim received for a crime would be greatly reduced if the victim were a dhimmi. The Islamic state is forbidden from discriminating between citizens on the basis of race, creed, colour or anything else. In origin all the rules of Islam apply equally to Muslims and non-Muslims. Under Islamic Shariah law, non-believers Christians and Jews anyway are permitted to live as long as they support Islam through thei r Dhimmi taxes and are willing to accept what amounts to a third or fourth class existence, always subject to false accusations and ill treatment. Dhimmis always live in fear. Dhimmi is the status of infidels under Islam who are permitted to live in Muslim jurisdictions but only with restrictions as second class citizens. Additionally, Muslim women also suffer under a dual standard and experience second class status. Jack Lowe, Sr. founder of TDIndustries dedication to servant-leadership began many years ago; he developed a leadership approach based on his religious convictions. It was the responsibility of his leaders to build his organization by ensuring the achievement of their employees personal and professional career goals. This servant leadership approach to and management has enabled TDI to make the necessary changes for survival during difficult times. For the last five decades, they seemed increased profit growth and employee satisfaction. By taking care of their employees, TDI is ranked number 36 on Fortune magazines 100 Best Companies to Work For (2006). What makes this organization so great? This is an employee-owned contractor company. The board of directors is elected by employees. According to Jack Lowe Jr. (2006) there are key elements of servant-leadership that are continuously emphasized at TDIndustries: being a servant first, making sure that other peoples needs are served, and serving through listening. Firstly, we are committed to providing outstanding career opportunities by exceeding our customers expectations through continuous aggre ssive improvement. Secondly, to ensure their employees needs are served annual survey are compared to a national average. Finally, top management would invite employees in to discuss critical issues and brainstorm ideas to solve business related problems. Jack Lowe Jr. believes in open communication and through these key elements all employees has an opportunity to share their views and suggestions at least once every two years. TDIndustries has consistently practiced and call attention to the success they have experienced as a result of institutionalizing these key elements of servant leadership. Their strong commitment to servant-leadership has created an environment of mutual trust and respect between employees and leaders. By encouraging and respecting an individual value, team trust is increased. Any by respecting others, the leader in turn earns respect. Where there is strong trust, there is strong commitment to a vision that creates value, meaning, and purpose. Employees know their voices are he ard and leaders are genuinely interested in their ideas. On an interpersonal level, the importance of self awareness to Marvin knows his strengths and weaknesses can help gain the trust of others and increase his credibility, which will increase his leadership effectiveness. On an organizational level, acknowledging the he does not have all the answers and will make mistakes and knowing when to ask for help. Marvin believes having good human skills will have a high degree of self awareness and a capacity to understand or empathize with others. By developing his emotional intelligence, he establishes a strong bond with employees and management. His emotional intelligence is key to his skills as a respiratory therapist. Being compassionate about serving his patients is an emotional competence base on empathy. Trustworthiness is a competence that is based on self-regulation. Both of these competencies are critical in helping to make him an outstanding therapist. In closing, servant leadership is not a particular style of leadership, but rather relates to the motivation behind a leaders thoughts, words and actions. Servant leaders must ensure that their vision and principles are in line with other in their organization. While serving other first may not appear easy and is the heart of servant leadership; it could be easier when leaders hold a similar vision and value for themselves. Christianity show more similar characteristics of servant leadership than Islam. Christian servant leaders serve God through investing in others so that together they may accomplish a task for Gods glory. This ultimate accomplishment of Christian leaders will spread to help mentor and grow additional leaders who can be sent out to establish new ministries and train even more leaders. Significant oppositions with servant leadership theory were found within Islam. These oppositions do not preclude servant leadership from being practiced within those traditions but r aise serious questions as to how compatible these traditions actually are with the whole theory and its implications. The Islamic state is forbidden from discriminating between citizens on the basis of race, creed, color or anything else. However, under Islamic Shariah law, non-believers Christians and Jews anyway are permitted to live as long as they support Islam through their Dhimmi taxes and are willing to accept what amounts to a third or fourth class existence, always subject to false accusations and ill treatment. Jack Lowe, Sr. of TDIndustries is regarded as a true visionary in taking this company to the next level in servant leadership. He utilized servant leadership and religious convictions, by consistently treated their 1400 employees the way he wish to be treated and a partner. This is reflected by being a servant first, making sure that other peoples needs are served, and serving through listening. Being true to himself and his employees through servant leadership, h elp to bridge the respect and trust between employees and leaders. Showing self awareness and emotional are key characteristics in servant leadership. Expressing compassion when serving patients and being conscious of what you are good at while acknowledging what you still have yet to learn. This includes admitting when you dont have the answer and owning up to mistakes.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alexander the Great :: essays research papers fc

Alexander the Great Introduction Alexander III was born on July 20th, 356 BC to King Philip II and Olympia’s. He was born in Pella, Macedonia. In 343 BC Aristotle was hired to educate Alexander at the age of 13. In 338 he commanded for the first time the Calvary during the battle of Chaeronea. Alexander ascends the throne of Macedonia in 336 BC after the murder of his father, King Philip II. 336-323 BC is when he started his empire, conquering kingdom after kingdom. Why was Alexander the Great? Alexander III was known as Alexander the Great to his people from 336-323 BC. Why to this day do we still look at Alexander the Great as one of the greatest rulers of the world? Even though Alexander ruled for only 13 years as king of Macedonian what made him gain the title as Alexander the Great? Should he be known for it because of his military skills, his popularity with his people or his leadership skills? Why did Alexander deserve to be called â€Å"the Great†? He was not the first of his time to be called it. There were two others before him that were called the Great, the Persian King Cyrus the Great and the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses the Great. To this day his leadership skills are still considered by military experts as being the most outstanding commanders of all time. Alexander was able to motivate and inspire his troops to fight any battle for him by leading his troops, talked to every single troop and received the same wounds that they did. One thing that can only be marveled at is the over whelming factor, his charisma. He was the only individual that was able to hold together an empire together. After his death the empire fell apart into competing kingdoms. Alexander III is known to have helped shaped the world the way we know it today. Persians, Egyptians, Babylonians were eastern cultures that dominated the world until Alexander came into rule. He changed the focus on civilization from the eastern to the western societies, Greece and Rome. Alexander took the gold reserves of the Persian Kings and minted it into currency, using his resources to build new cities while continuing his conquest of other kingdoms. This enabled the Greek civilization to spread through out the known world and improving trade relations and activities. Alexander established an economic system that remained active until the industrial revolution in the 18th century.

Conditions that Influenced Sino-Soviet Involvement in the Vietnam War :: Vietnam War Essays

Conditions that Influenced Sino-Soviet involvement in the Vietnam War In 1954 the Communists in North Vietnam reached a turning point in their history. The French defeat at Dien Bien Phu was a turning point in the history of this country. Free from the oppression of foreign countries the Communists of the DRV were freed to turn their attention to the task at hand; the infiltration and subjugation of South Vietnam. The influence that both China and the Soviet Union had on this fledgling government was substantial. Without the necessary material, logistics, and support the Communist victory in South Vietnam would never have come about. This paper looks to examine the motives that both the Chinese and Soviets had in their commitment to supporting the DRV in the Vietnam War. In dealing with the motives of both China and the Soviet Union it is also important to keep in mind the conditions of the world in this time period, 1950-1975. Both foreseen and unforeseen events would alter the respective policies of each country. In observing these events, this paper will take a chronological prose; history will be dealt with as it was made. In this style of analysis it is possible to shed some light on a seemingly confusing array of foreign policy's that even till today are hard to rationalize. China and the Soviet Union altered their obligation and support levels to North Vietnam according their policies and the history that those decisions produced. The United States will provide a backdrop to the Sino-Soviet involvement in Vietnam. This will provide insight into the relative positions that China and the Soviet Union took in North Vietnam. To both of these countries the United States represented 'the other side'. This is to say that the ideologies of both socialist countries depicted America as the opponent. In ideology this is true; capitalism was the precursor to a more egalitarian socialist society. This was to prove more so for the Chinese Communists, but that will be explained later. It is safe to say that both countries were able to rationalize their actions by telling the world they were defending one of their 'brothers' from an imperialist power. When making reference to the United States as the 'other side' it is crucial to remember that this analogy is only relative to the shifting relationship that each country would experience with the U.S. as the Vietnam War escalated.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Truman Football Team :: essays research papers

Leaders Teach Youth on the Football Field The Truman State football team, containing a solid group of leaders, including 12 senior starters, and young talent, a freshman quarterback and two other underclassmen starters, relied on senior leadership. To begin the season, 12 of the Bulldogs' starting 17 players were seniors. However, this team was comprised of 97 members, so there was a definite influence of youth. Therefore, Coach Ware depended on the leadership of his seniors to impact his team "I believe in senior leadership," stated Coach Ware. "I have to rely on it. It is needed both on and off the field in order to improve the football team." These seniors had experienced both the trials and victories of previous football seasons. Therefore, Coach Ware, along with the rest of his staff and team relied on these players to step up and take the leadership positions. His seniors proved their leadership both on and off the field through their words, efforts, and examples. One of the most vital mentoring tasks for the season may have been the sophomore quarterback, Eric Howe. Howe only started one game during the 1998 season; so, beginning the 1999 season, he was fairly inexperienced as a starter on the college level. Even though he was inexperienced, Coach Ware was pleased with the improvements Howe had made. "He had to learn a new offense, and the offense takes a while to learn," admitted Coach Ware. "Early in the season he struggled some with the offense, but I could see his potential as a quarterback." Another factor that faced the Truman State football team was their tough non-conference schedule. Coach Ware believes in playing solid competition outside the conference in order to improve his football team. So, Truman headed to Illinois to play Illinois State. Illinois State (ISU) is a Division I-AA school and was ranked among the top three in the nation in football. The task of playing ISU was a tough one, but it hopefully made the Bulldogs stronger for their conference season.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Single Sex versus Co-ed

Single-Sex versus Co-education Education is very important for both boys and girls, but the place they are being educated in is very arguable. Nowadays, it has been noticed that in a single-sex educational experience students exhibit an eagerness to participate in discussions. In Australia, the percentage of students attending single-sex secondary schools was 55% of boys and 54% of girls, in 1985. However, by 1995 the proportion of students attending had dropped to 41% of boys and 45% of girls.Let us start by onsidering the fact that studying in separate school, boys and girls, can indisputably concentrate on their studies and not get distracted easily by the opposite sex classmates. In addition to this, some religious and traditional families might be keener to educate their children in separate schools. Generally, students of single- sex schools perform better than those at co-ed schools. On the other hand, it could be better for boys and girls to study together since they should b e taught fairly. Communication plays a big role in co-education schools.It helps pupils to communicate and socialize and it is easier for them in the future as they get to interact with others while working, in colleges and universities, etc. Moreover, students at co-ed schools learn to interact better with the other gender. After weighing the pros and cons, I would say that we live in a mixed world where interactions between both genders is compulsory, whether it was a debate at work or a group discussion among co-workers. The ability to speak out without intimidation is a vital feature in each individual. Written And Discussed By: JOY

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Comparative Film Review Essay

Today, the depiction of war is becoming more than vivid and veritableistic. Audiences ar more censorious of how a move catches the actual events that transpired and of how they spate relate to the emotions in the motion-picture show. The movies saving tete-a-tete Ryan and We Were Soldiers are ii of the most fashionable modern day films with the cognitive content of two dissimilar wars, World War II and Vietnam War respectively. They shit similarities in galore(postnominal) aspects However, they take away even more differences. They make completely different themes, and completely different objectives. This paper explores on how these two films are alike and how they differ.When Duty Calls A comparative Film Review There has been frequently develop handst in the movie application since the onset of computer graphic imaging. This engine room has enabled producers to depict subjects that were considered impossible. Today, humans are heart-to-heart of transcending li mitations on time and cultural differences. They idler reenact historical events, reconstruct buildings, and energize natural sceneries. Equipped with a puritanic screen, computers, and actors, an entire war ignore arrest right before an audience. With twain ele custodytary and complicated movie techniques, anything is accomplished.The movies livery cloistered Ryan and We Were Soldiers share a common subject and this is war. This topic has interested the curiosity of millions of viewers since time immemorial, as those who have witnessed it essential to confirm the events and those who did not wish to bunco the events. two tackled common themes and presented different angles of a war. They share umpteen similarities and possess many differences. But there is wiz noteworthy aspect that both these movies have successfully translated. This is the price that war claims to those it chooses to affect (Spielberg, 1998 Wallace, 2002). some(prenominal) stories of these master pieces were derived from two of the most engaging events in the history of mankind. deliver close Ryan was found on the life of a real individual named Sergeant Frederick Niland, a fall in States paratrooper sent to France on D-Day. We Were Soldiers, on the other hand, is a version of the accommodate written by Lieutenant Colonel Harold G. Moore and Joseph L. Galloway well-nigh the military engage workforcet in the la Drang Valley in 1965. twain contained assumed characters and modified events, but little truths must(prenominal) be altered in come in for the actual truth to emerge (Spielberg, 1998 Wallace, 2002).Saving Private is neither a biopic nor a tale of heroism. Its story is a stand against the wraths of war and how humans condemn it. It has lightheaded anti-war sentiments, as characters struggled through the horrors of war and suffered both insanity and distraught. The D-Day amphibious invasion at Normandy was an excellent prologue to the film. It had brutal depic tions on the con orders of creation a soldier, on the gruesome veracity of struggles, and the un originalty of life. It is a story of comradeship, of fruition of fears, and living an inch away from ending (Spielberg, 1998 Wallace, 2002).In addition, We Were Soldiers is a film that shares absence seizure of political themes of war. The primary objective of both movies is to relay to the audiences the lives of soldiers as soldiers, who are entities that can be separated from the entire limning of military and political debate. They are men who chose to be in the credit line of traffic and take arms in nightspot to beseech for what they believe is righteous. But We Were Soldiers envisioned a relatively more knowledgeable aspect, the scenario of the soldiers relationships with those they left at home.It prudently conveyed the lives that soldiers have before they leave for an assignment and after they have accomplished their missions (Spielberg, 1998 Wallace, 2002). In the se quence where Mel Gibson with Madeline Stowe and Chris Klein with Keri Russell were spending their last night wholeedly prior the soldiers departure for war, the intense emotions were efficaciously depicted. It relayed the fear world contained when lovers are being parted without any assurance of reunification. It is a scene where there is pain because of the uncertain. some other important aspect of war that this movie portrayed was not only the lives of men in the battle zones, but in like manner those of their families awaiting their return. In the scene where the women would gather in concert and watch television for updates, one would experience the intensity of fear that these women are arduous to suppress within. They would not want to phone until they hear something concrete, but just the mentality of losing their husbands is cruel. Every knock on their threshold was a possibility of the word that they have lost their beloved men (Spielberg, 1998 Wallace, 2002).Both movies focused on a hero, an incumbent of a military unit. Tom Hanks was the overlord in charge of a platoon assign to search for Private James Ryan term Mel Gibson was also the captain leading his men through Vietnamese jungles. In Saving Private Ryan, heroism is to fulfill ones duty, regardless of its nature. As coarse as it contributes to the efforts of war, and that it is a soldiers mission, then one is to be considered a genuine soldier. In We Were Soldiers, heroism is qualification a decision, although detrimental for a certain number of hoi polloi but critical for the entire outcome of the war.Saving Private Ryan was not a film about(predicate) a countrys supremacy or defeat. It is a story of private victory in ones struggle to maintain his conviction amidst a world gone half mad. We Were Soldiers, in contrast, is about how a military unit lost a critical battle and most of the men involved (Spielberg, 1998 Wallace, 2002). Both shaped the American understanding of the realities of war. Because of these movies, the humans has learned to further their appreciation of the sacrifices that men in uniform give in order for peace to prevail.The price is clear, their lives and the social system of their families are put in the line of fire each time they menu the helicopters or boats in order to fight in the beaches or jungles. Both movies gave importee to the human side of war, concentrating on the people that comprise a war and how a war shaped these people (Spielberg, 1998 Wallace, 2002).ReferencesSpielberg, S. (Director). (1998). Saving Private Ryan. Motion Picture. United States Amblin Entertainment. Wallace, R. (Director). (2002). We Were Soldiers. Motion Picture. United States ikon